Stacy Tapp is the chief of communication & community engagement for Racine Unified School District.

Tempo Racine Communications Chair Jessica Safransky Schacht met with Stacy to learn more about her leadership journey.
What led you to become a Tempo Racine member?
I was new to Racine and TEMPO offered an opportunity to meet and collaborate with amazing women leaders in this community, while learning about some of the wonderful resources and organizations Racine has to offer. I joined the Board early on, which offered me the opportunity to get to know some truly inspiring women leaders. I encourage all TEMPO members to step into one of the Board positions when your schedule and life allow. It’s a rewarding way to give back and support women who are leading our community forward.
What is an important piece of advice for female leaders?
I have three daughters and one of the most important pieces of advice I give them often is that nothing worth doing is easy. Always remember that when you are most uncomfortable and most scared, you are likely embarking on something meaningful that will help you stretch and grow and become the best version of yourself. Don’t let fear stop you and you may surprise yourself!
What is your favorite thing to do in Racine?
Hands down, the Racine Zoo. It is an amazing gem in the community and my family has grown to love our time there. We’ve even fed the giraffes!