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March 2022

Saturday, March 12, 2022 4:02 PM | Anonymous

At our March meeting, Membership Committee Chair Liz Powell announced our updated membership criteria. In keeping with our goals of building the organization’s brand and enhancing member engagement, the 2021-22 Board of Directors believed it was crucial to update our membership criteria to align with our community.

Going forward, applicants must have at least three of the following criteria to be considered for membership:

  • At least 7 years of work experience
  • Holding a mid-level leadership role or higher in her organization
  • Community Service Experience
  • Holding a post-secondary degree or certification
  • Relevant additional achievements (Leadership Racine graduate, Woman of Distinction)

If you are interested in nominating someone for membership, please send a letter of recommendation to In the letter, make sure to mention at least three criteria that the nominee meets for consideration.

Letters are reviewed on a rolling basis by the Membership Committee. Should you have specific questions about the membership application process, please email  

Thank you to Liz Powell for leading this effort and to the Board of Directors for their careful consideration of the criteria. I look forward to welcome new members! 

Carolynn Friesch 

Tempo Racine President 

Serving women leaders and businesses throughout SE Wisconsin.

Located in Racine, WI

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