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Join Us! 

TEMPO Racine is a professional association committed to empowering and furthering the development of women leaders in our community. Our women-focused mission is based on three pillars:

- Leadership

- Mentorship

- Networking

- Community

- Personal Growth

In our 20th year, we have big plans to continue to grow and serve the professional women of our community and we invite you to consider joining us! 

Member Benefits

Tempo Racine members benefit from:

  • Professional networking opportunities with other local women leaders at our monthly membership luncheons (2nd Thursday of every month except August from 11:30 am- 1:00 pm) and quarterly networking events

  • Learning from diverse, knowledgeable speakers covering a wide range of topics geared toward supporting the personal and professional growth of our members

  • Opportunities for mentorship and creative problem-solving to support professional growth

  • Social events such as professional book clubs, group volunteering, and dinners

  • Opportunities to collaborate with other women leaders as we plan and grow our reach and impact for the women in our community

Membership Criteria

The following criteria will be considered as a part of your membership application:

  • Length of your work experience

  • Level of leadership your organization or business

  • Community service experience

  • Post-secondary degree or certification

  • Relevant additional achievements (Leadership Racine graduate, Woman of Distinction)

Membership Application Process 

  1. The application process begins when you attend a Racine Tempo monthly luncheon as a guest. 

  2. After visiting with us, you are invited to complete an application form. The application form can be found here

  3. The Membership Committee Chair will reach out to discuss the next steps after receiving your application. 

  4. Upon application approval, an invoice will be sent. Payment of your invoice changes you from a ‘guest’ to a ‘member’ and begins your 12-month membership term. 

Please note: We no longer require a current Racine Tempo member nomination or a letter of recommendation for new members to join us.

Annual Membership Dues 

We offer two different fee structures for our members:

ANNUAL PLAN - $350/year 

The annual plan includes your annual membership dues PLUS all monthly luncheon meals. It is a savings of $130/year over the flex plan.

FLEX PLAN - $100/year plus $30/month for your luncheon meal

The flex plan is for those members who are paying for their own membership and aren't sure they will be able to attend monthly meetings. This pay-as-you-go option includes your annual membership dues and you will pay $30/meal for each month you attend.

New and existing members are encouraged to participate as a Networking Partner of TEMPO Racine. If a personal business or employer is interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Our sponsorship packages start at $500.00 annually.  

If you have any additional questions, please email Jen Laffin, Membership Co-Chair, at

Serving women leaders and businesses throughout SE Wisconsin.

Located in Racine, WI

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